Dave Hilbert

Hancock County, Mississippi w/ cities of Bay St Louis and Waveland were ground zero for Katrina. Population 50,000. Information is finally coming in and any posts of information is appreciated. I have family that lives in the Chapel Hill community on the corrner of Hwy 90 and Beach Blvd. My family did evacuate to the NASA Stennis facitity north of the county.


- Total destruction from the Bay Bridge to St. Stanislaus. Coleman Ave. and Nicholson Ave. suffered mass destruction.

- A foot of water swamped the emergency operations center at the Hancock County courthouse -- which sits 30 feet above sea level. The back of the courthouse collapsed under the onslaught.

- Bridge connection to Pass Christian demolished.

- Downtown Bay St Louis repored to be destroyed

- Storm Surge 25 feet, NHC estimate
Bay st Louis rpt from Wlox.com blog

From wlox.com

W. Nero - Bay St. Louis
My sister and I are both live away from home (I'm at Ole Miss and she's at MSMS in Columbus) and were surprised to hear that my parents were going to stay for Katrina instead of evacuate to Stennis Space Center. Luckily, my sister was able to get through to my mom three times before the cell phone connections went completely dead. The first time she got through my parents reported that our house on Leopold Street in the Cedar Ridge neighborhood of Bay St. Louis was flooding and that my parents planned to get into our sailboat which was parked on the front lawn for the storm. Later my sister heard that the water had risen to the rooftop and my parents were waiting out the storm inside the sailboat (anchored, I assume, somewhere in our yard). The last my sister heard from my parents, they were safe and the water was receding. Mom said our roof had collapsed into the house and she planned to walk down the street to check on our other house that's at 17 feet above sea level. The house my parents stayed in had survived Camille and our newer house was built right on the waterline according to an older neighbor. I don't know how the newer house faired since the cell phones are all our now, but I hope they are dry, safe, and searching for our other neighbors who stayed.
CNN reporter now in Bay St Louis

- his report was by phone on CNN at 10AM CT

He said:
- looks like a war zone
- CAsino MAgic heavily damaged, golf course still under water
- still very deep water
- ervery home and business he sees has some damage, incl total distruction
Diamondhead report

Diamondhead - only thing thus far is a rpt of extensive damage to homes south of I-10 in diamondhead. I've been checking the web site diamondhead.ms.us but sites down.
Re: CNN reporter now in Bay St Louis

I lived in Pass Christian and then Gulfport from '64-66 while my dad worked for NASA at Stennis. The house we lived in in Gulfport survived all this time, even though Betsy flooded the first floor in '65. It was still standing strong last time I saw a few years ago. I'm not so sure it did as well this time, but I hope so!

The apartments we briefly lived in in Pass Christian were the Richelieu Manor, which is the infamous (although fictitious) site of the Camille "Hurricane Party" in '69. Obviously, it is no longer there.
sunherald.com working on aerial photos

from sunherald.com reporter

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Working on aerial photos

We're trying to get aerial photos of the Coast and areas inland to show people the damage. At the moment, airspace is restricted because of ongoing rescue operations, but we are trying to get those done soon.

posted at # 9:36 AM
Stennis Facility? Any word on how things are there?

My brother works at Stennis, but has evacuated to Tupelo. Does anyone know how the facility/people in the facility fared? He has been unable to get in touch with anyone there. Thank you.
Driving to BAy St louis tonight

I'm driving tonight to get my mother, she's home from shelter. She has 1/2 home gone, bottom 1/2 washed out. She lives in Chapel Hill subdivision, corner hwy 90 and beach drive. Hope to arrive tomorrow evening (Wenesday). Please post if you need info, but I don;t kow if I'll have cel and wireless laptop when I get there. God Speed
JACKSON, Miss. - Mississippi hurricane survivors looked around Saturday and wondered just how long it would take to get food, clean water and shelter. And they were more than angry at the federal government and the national news media.

Richard Gibbs was disgusted by reports of looting in New Orleans and upset at the lack of attention hurricane victims in his state were getting.

"I say burn the bridges and let 'em all rot there," he said. "We're suffering over here too, but we're not killing each other. We've got to help each other. We need gas and food and water and medical supplies."
