Rita & Katrina size comparison

Nov 6, 2004
Dodge City, KS
I put this together illustrating the size difference between Katrina and Rita. Rita is certainly a smaller storm than Katrina, with a smaller diameter eye. It will be interesting to see how low the pressure can get with a smaller size storm in almost the same exact environment as Katrina...

<img src=http://www.underthemeso.com/misc/composites/GulfMonsters_graphic.jpg>

Mike U[/img]
Besides the eye's the CDO's appear to be about the same size.

Katrina has a much bigger cirrus shield, but they are getting close to the same size.
If you want to see the real monster...tilt the image about 110 degrees to the right. It's even smiling at us!!
Hey...very similar in size...but I think Rita will deepen quite a bit more. Wouldn't it be crazy if that was an actual image?!?!?!? I would leave the country.