Original Stormtrack issues

Todd Lemery

Staff member
Jun 2, 2014
Menominee, MI
I have all the original Stormtrack issues from 1977-2001. I bought them a few years ago and now it’s time to share with someone else. They’re free to the first person to DM me. Just pay for shipping. I don’t know how much shipping will be, so I’ll take a picture of the receipt when I ship them and you can just send me whatever that is.
I really enjoyed reading them and hope whoever takes them will like them as much as I did.
That’s a good idea Warren. If someone wants to do that, I’ll pay for the shipping myself. I’m not very handy with that kind of stuff.
That’s a good idea Warren. If someone wants to do that, I’ll pay for the shipping myself. I’m not very handy with that kind of stuff.
Are these already available as pdf's on the Stormtrack CD or DVD that Tim Marshall, David Hoadley, and Tim Vasquez put together?
From the title page:
All 25 years (1977-2001)
- Tornado Talk
- Storm Chasers Manual
- Tim Marshalls Professional Papers
- Tim Marshalls Chase Logs
Produced by Tim Marshall and David Hoadley
Compiled and edited by Tim Vasquez

Is this still available somewhere?


Towards the very bottom are links for every .pdf file of the old ST monthly newsletters. This page was put together by Dan Robinson and should be bookmarked as it has tons of informational links. Otherwise it isn’t publicly available.
@Mark Blue
I see links to html pages for issues from late 1996 through 2000, and a couple pages from the first publication. Am I missing the links to all the pdf files?